Mammogram Screening Event! Ladies Night Out – Oct. 12th and 26th! Meet our Radiology Techs: Tiffnie and Lindsey, providing imaging and mammography services. Remember early detection saves lives! Routine, annual,...
COVID19 vaccine clinics 6/26-6/30. Benton County Public Health Clinic. Virginia Gay Hospital 502 North 9th Ave, Vinton IA. Check-in at front entrance registration. COVID19 Vaccine Clinics: Monday, June 26th, 2023,...
You have what it takes flowing in your veins. Blood donation is a vital part of the health of our community. Did you know blood donations must come from volunteer...
Benton County Public Health Clinic. Virginia Gay Hospital 502 North 9th Ave, Vinton IA. Check-in at front entrance registration Updated COVID19 Vaccine information: CDC’s new recommendations allow an...
Benton County Public Health Clinic. Virginia Gay Hospital 502 North 9th Ave, Vinton IA. Check-in at front entrance registration COVID19 Vaccine Clinics: Monday, March 20th , 2023, 9am-1pm : Adult...
Benton County Public Health Clinic. Virginia Gay Hospital 502 North 9th Ave, Vinton IA. Check-in at front entrance registration COVID19 Vaccine Clinics: Friday, March 3rd, 2023, 1100am-3:00pm :...
Virginia Gay Hospital and Clinics created this web page for information about the COVID-19 virus and responses by VGH to provide care to patients and the communities we serve.
Please call ahead if you are experiencing symptoms of the flu or COVID-19.