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CMS 5 Star Rating

CMS updated its Overall Hospital Quality Star Ratings for 2021, giving 455 hospitals a rating of five stars.

The Overall Star Ratings are designed to assist patients, consumers, and others in comparing hospitals side-byside. The Overall Star Ratings show the quality of care a hospital may provide compared to other hospitals based on the quality measures reported on Care Compare. The Overall Star Rating summarizes as many as 50 measures publicly reported on Care Compare into a single rating. The measures come from the IQR, OQR, and other programs and encompass measures in five measure groups: mortality, safety of care, readmission, patient experience, timely & effective care. The hospitals can receive between one and five stars, with five stars being the highest rating, and the more stars, the better the hospital performs on the quality measures. Most hospitals will display a three star rating.

CMS assigned star ratings to hospitals nationwide based on their performance across five quality categories. This is the first star ratings update since January 2020. This year:

  • 204 hospitals received a one-star rating
  • 690 hospitals received a two-star rating
  • 1,018 hospitals received a three-star rating
  • 988 received a four-star rating
  • 455 received a five-star rating

12 Iowa Hospitals:

  • CHI Health Mercy Council Bluffs
  • CHI Health Missouri Valley
  • Finley Hospital (Dubuque)
  • Jones Regional Medical Center (Anamosa)
  • Lakes Regional Healthcare (Spirit Lake)
  • Mercy Hospital (Iowa City)
  • Mercy Medical Center-Cedar Rapids
  • MercyOne Dubuque Medical Center
  • Pella Regional Health Center
  • Sartori Memorial Hospital (Cedar Falls)
  • UnityPoint Health-St. Luke’s Hospital in Cedar Rapids
  • Virginia Gay Hospital (Vinton)

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