Person in gloves holding a COVID-19 vaccine

Party in the Park-Moderna Vaccine Clinic June 18th-19th

Press Release


Benton County Public Health will hold a Moderna Vaccine Clinic June 18-19th.

No appointment needed, vaccine will be available Friday June 18th at Riverside Park during Party in Pink 5K and on Saturday, June 19th at Party in the Park .

Please continue the mitigation efforts that we know work to slow the spread of COVID-19!  Get a COVID-19 vaccine, wear a mask or face covering, practice social distancing with those outside your household, clean your hands frequently with soap and water, stay home if you feel sick, get tested if you are exposed to, or have symptoms of COVID-19 and if your have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19, please review CDC guidelines at

Modera COVID-19 Vaccine is authorized and recommended for people 18 years of age and older

For more information, please call Benton County Public Health 319-472-6460 or visit