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Virginia Gay Hospital Response



Citizens of Benton County


I am writing in response to the many statements and insinuations that Virginia Gay Hospital has not been transparent with use of state grant and county funds.

Budget information was presented to the Board of Health on multiple occasions and reports were made on activities completed.  Financial information was shared at the February 10th meeting.

The state grant money was separately approved by the Board of Health on an annual basis and completed activities were shared with the board. The board chairperson was the signatory for this agreement.  These funds are also audited by the state of Iowa.

The hospital did terminate the agreement in March, not due to budget questions, but mainly due to the state combining the departments of Health and Human Services with the Department of Health and moving to population-based services, that, and the extra work during COVID had put a tremendous strain on staff.

The hospital has been supporting the current public health director on a weekly basis, at no cost to the taxpayers to learn required duties and provide structure to the position.  Virginia Gay has provided services to the community for the last 100 years and feel obligated to do what is necessary to ensure these services and partnerships continue.



Michele Schoonover, CEO

Virginia Gay Hospital