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Gifts of Hope

Gifts of Hope is a fund created to provide free mammograms and diagnostic services to those who need financial assistance to pay for a clinic visit, testing, co-pays, and diagnostic analysis of those tests to determine next steps, as well as Pap tests and/or pelvic exams. Funds are meant for people who have no insurance; have a health insurance policy that does not pay for these services; and those who cannot pay deductible or co-insurance amounts. Talk to your VGH provider if you want to use Gifts of Hope funds and it will be arranged. No Application is necessary.

The Benton County Survivor Group has become instrumental over the past several years in raising funds through their various activities, primarily the Party in Pink 5k race held in June. Through dedicated effort and strong leadership, they have become a real fundraising force in the fight against breast cancer. They got their start when the girls basketball coaches and team, during the 2009-2010 season, decided to honor breast cancer survivors and raise funds for a Coaches against Cancer game. The money was donated to the Foundation and the momentum for the Gifts of Hope has grown from there.  If you would like to contribute to this fund, you may donate online.

3D Mammography

3D mammography is now available at Virginia Gay Hospital. Donations to our 2017 Tree of Lights campaign helped pay for a portion of this new, more accurate breast cancer detection technology and the Gifts of Hope fund will also pay the difference between standard 2D mammography and 3D screening if the patient’s insurance does not cover the cost of the 3D test. Visit the imaging services web page to learn more about 3D mammography at Virginia Gay Hospital.

Party in Pink 5K Walk/Run

This fundraising event for Gifts of Hope is held in conjunction with the Vinton’s annual community celebration, Party in the Park. The 5K walk/run is usually scheduled for Friday evening during the third weekend in June. The event draws participants from several states and is often a great opportunity for family reunions. Watch our website or our Facebook page for details on the next event.

2023 Gifts of Hope Walk/Run Challenge

Early Detection Saves Lives!

Virginia Gay Hospital is hosting the Gifts of Hope Walk/Run Challenge! this virtual event through the month of October is raising funds for Gifts of Hope and encouraging woment to schedule their mammograms.

Sign-up at: https://runsignup.com/Race/IA/Vinton/GiftsofHopeOctoberBreastCancerAwareness100MileWalkRunChallenge

Mammogram Screening Event at Virginia Gay Hospital – Oct. 12th & 26th 5PM – 7:30PM. Call 319-472-6300 to schedule.


Additional information is available by contacting

Robin Martin
Virginia Gay Hospital Health Care Foundation Office
502 N. 9th Ave.
Vinton, IA 52349
Phone (319) 472-6375

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